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Orlando World Center Marriott

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8701 World Center Dr
Orlando, CA 32821 United States

April 2020

2020 Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders & Craniofacial Pain

April 24, 2020 @ 8:00 am - April 25, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)
Multiple sessions: Apr 24-25,2020; May 15-16; June 12-13
Orlando World Center Marriott, 8701 World Center Dr
Orlando, CA 32821 United States
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Session 1: Screening SBD, Sleep Disordered Breathing, OSA, Craniofacial Pain How to Find CR Imaging: CBCT, MRI Interpretation (Your Cases) Electrodiagnostics: JVA Motor Nerve Reflex Evaluation (Neural and Orthopedic Screening) Anatomy Head and Neck Airway and TMJ Neuroanatomy Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Session 2: Sleep Disorders Triage of Sleep Appliance Therapy Headaches Recapturing Discs Orthotic Design & Indications Pharmacology Session 3: Sleep Disorders that Cause TMJ Pain Neuropathic Disorders Typical and Atypical Neuralgias Musculoskeletal Pain Physical Medicine Modalities Orthodontic/Orthopedic, Removable and fixed…

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